Musings on Romance

A disappointing story of 2 DNF reads

I needed to share my pain.  If Brie can do it, so can I.

Book fail
Unleashed by Cherrie Lynn

I wasn’t enjoying the structure of the book – the way important things were skipped over and discussed in retrospect rather than taking me through them. Given that the book was about a pair of friends heading to Hawaii for what would have been his honeymoon with the woman who had an affair with her (now ex) husband, why skip over the first 2 days of their week away?
Second, given that I have a (somewhat) legal background, I also had some problems with the heroine saying that she wanted to be involved in family law rather than criminal law because criminal law had “too much grit and violence and pain”. Um, hello? Do you know what families can do to each other? Sure, criminal can be brutal but so can family law. If you want away from grit and violence and pain, try corporate or tax law or patent law. Stay far away from family law.
The last straw was when the MC’s started talking about their intimate parts in the third person.
“She says just tell him to go slow this time, be good.” she whispered.
“He is hers to command.”
It wasn’t awful but I just couldn’t be bothered reading anymore. Life’s too short.  DNF.
For a friends to lovers going on a honeymoon together story, I recommend Christine Bell’s Down for the Count.  Much better, IMO.
Audiobook fail 
Promises by Marie Sexton, narrated by Mack L. Jones
I’m so sad about this one. I tried.  Twice.  But the narration is so bad that I just can’t.  Sorry.There is NO differentiation in the character voices at all.  I can’t tell the difference between Lizzy or Jared or Matt or Brian or Jared’s mum talking.  Nada. There is also very little expression in the delivery.

There are almost no vocal pauses between sentences – which makes distinguishing the voices even harder because there is no cue in the timing/delivery.  It is the audio equivalent of everything in the whole chapter being one giant paragraph.  Not enjoyable.

I love this book.  I refuse to ruin the experience by keeping on listening to such bad narration.  I’m sad because I was so hoping to enjoy the whole series again except on audio – Strawberries for Dessert is my favourite in the series.  If I’m this upset about Promises, I can’t imagine how I’d feel about that one.  The narrator is the same for the whole series sadly.

Dreamspinner:  you need better narrators.

Read the book – the book is excellent.  Audiobook is a total fail for me though.  🙁


  1. Chris

    Ugh. Sorry to hear about the disappointing audiobook. 🙁

  2. Kaetrin

    @Chris – it really was. And the book itself is one of my favourites too! *cries*

  3. Brie

    Go Kaetrin!I'm sorry Unleashed didn't work for you, but I guess I can't be perfect all the time, otherwise I would be annoying ;-)So that was the audiobook you were talking about the other day. It sounds like something I'd enjoy, but I've already read that book. I'll have to check if the people who made it have other romances.

  4. Kaetrin

    @Brie – so glad you're not annoying :)Actually, this wasn't the book I was tweeting about – it was Caught Running by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux – a book (again) I enjoyed in print but the audiobook was pretty ordinary. Different narrator (Jeff Gelder). I was able to get through it so I guess that's a step up from Promises on audio but not by much really.I don't plan on listening to anymore Dreamspinner audiobooks unless they get better narrators.

  5. ClaudiaGC

    I've read Unleashed only a while ago, too and wasn't much impressed by it, just like you. But keep on reading this series!! The next book will have a tattoeed and pierced (you know where) hero! 😉 I really liked it and the third in the series was just released and I enjoyed it a lot, too. It feel as if the 2nd and 3rd book are written by another author. lol

  6. Kaetrin

    @ClaudiaGC That's interesting because the friend who recommended Unleashed to me hated book 2. I'm uncertain…

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