Musings on Romance

Best of 2012 from 2012

I’m coming up to my third blogoversary but I’ve not done a “best of” list* before.  I thought it might be fun to do it this year.   Also, I’m a sheep.  Baaa.*Because I got my data from my Goodreads catalogue, I’m going to talk in terms of star ratings here, even though it’s not usually how I review here on the blog.
Books released this year represented about 1/3 of my reading/listening so that made it a bit of a challenge for my best of listThis year, I read/listened to 87 books published in 2012* but only 4 of those were 5 star reads.  Still, there are some very excellent 4 star reads on my list.*Audiobooks first published as audiobooks in 2012 count.  So there.

In total, I rated 21 books 5 stars this year but 17 of them were published before 2012.

I didn’t read much historical romance this year and most of what I read was pre 2012.
A Lady Awakened Cecilia Grant
A Little More Scandal Carrie Lofty

I read more Contemporary romance than anything else this year so I had a lot to choose from.
Erotic Romance
A Sporting Chance Rhyll Biest*
*My review for this one will be going up at the ARRA blog shortly.  I will link when it’s up.
**Contemporary or erotic?  Who knows.  Great book in any category.  Also, straight boy BJ scene.  Oh, mama.
M/M Romance
So, there you have it.  What did you read that you love?  Are there any familiar names on my list?  What did I miss that I need to read immediately?


  1. Brie

    I think we *are* twins! Hehe ;-)We have many books in common, although my PNR and M/M choices were a bit different. I thought Nalini Singh did interesting things in her books, but not interesting enough for me to see past how much of a filler her last Psy/Changeling book was. I liked Gunmetal Magic a lot, and I'm not even a fan of the series, but I read a previous novella featuring the same characters, and I didn't like that the fact that women hyenas, or whatever animal they were, are the ones in charge of the pack and play the dominant role, was downplayed in the books and nor really mentioned. But I'm surprised by how many books we have in common. I haven't read Serenity Woods' book yet, although I bought it after your recommendation, I'll have to bump it up on my TBR list.Great list!

  2. Kaetrin

    😀 😀

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