“Whoa, wait a second. Who could date Griff longterm? He used the phrase ‘That’s my motto’ like five times a day. ‘Go hard or go home, that’s my motto.’ ‘You only live once, that’s my motto.’ ‘Shoot for the stars and you’re bound to hit one, that’s my motto.’ Jesus, Griff, pick a fucking motto, am I right? It was ridiculous.”
Cat’s sense of humor is revealed in other ways too.
Her skirt was so short that Cat caught a flash of rhinestones that were either appliquéd onto the front of a flesh-colored thong or part of the girl’s attempt at vajazzling. Cat’s professional curiosity required her to investigate further—even if she didn’t design underwear—so she squinted hard, half-tempted to squat down for a proper look. If she eyeballed the girl’s lady parts any harder, she was going to feel obligated to buy her dinner or something.
Shane has had a thing for Cat since they were teenagers. He’s back in town and eager to pursue a relationship but Cat’s not biting, even though she has a thing for him too. Shane’s plan is to make Cat a little jealous and he enlists her aid in joining an online dating agency and screening potential dates. Some of Cat’s vetos are surprising (or not, considering how she feels about Shane).
Courtney was quite the looker. Long, honey-blond hair, wide-set hazel eyes.
“Nope.” Cat shook her head, and moved to close the photo. He covered her hand with his to stop her.
“What’s wrong with this one?”
“Vapid. You can see it in the eyes. Dull. Not quite focused. If I were to guess what she was thinking right now, it would be ‘I like turtles’ or ‘I wonder what Kim Kardashian is doing right now’ or something.”
The conflict keeping this couple apart is Cat’s fear that her life will be subsumed by her partner’s. Given that, it bothered me to see this from Shane.
“I was just waiting for you to grow up and realize it, too.”
Shane is all knowing and knows best. He’s just been waiting for Cat to catch up. Sometimes this can be endearing (my own husband had to wait for me to catch a bit so I know of what I speak, although our circumstances were very different and it was more a case of he knew how he felt and was prepared to wait, knowing that I was a little gun shy rather than him being omniscient). In this case however, it rankled. Cat wants to make her own decisions. She wants to be treated as an adult who is in charge of her own life. She doesn’t want Shane to fix things for her or make decisions for her. She doesn’t want Shane to think for her. But, by his attitude, Shane is headed well on his way to doing just those things and that was never resolved to my satisfaction.