I’ll be taking a few days off over Christmas and the new year but will be around on Twitter. Who knows? I may even get around to posting some 2017 Favourite Reads lists in January. That’s the plan anyway.
To everyone who has visited the blog, or chatted to me online, to my friends, to those I admire and those I wish were my friends (!), to all my fellow romance bloggers, to the awesome women of #metoo and to all those who #resist, I wish you the compliments of the season, peace, love and safety. To those who supported me after the passing of my stepdad this year, a special thank you.
For those who do Christmas, have a Merry Merry Christmas. To those who don’t, Happy Holidays. May you find laughter, love and joy in the coming days – and refreshment to keep being awesome next year. Thank you for your friendship, support and inspiration this year.
~ Kaetrin ~
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