Musings on Romance

Category: news (Page 1 of 4)

New Email Subscription Service & Updated Privacy Policy

magnifying glass with PRIVACY in red in the lens, outside of the magnifying glass in a kind of crossword pattern are other words, such as protection, security, defence, safety, secrecy, rights, individual and personal

With the introduction of the GDRP in the EU it seemed like a good time to update my Private Policy. You can find it here.

Also, I have cancelled my previous email newsletter subscription service. I was getting a lot of spam subscribers (why??) and I wasn’t confident it was GDRP compliant.

picture of a yellow mailbox and the words E newsletter in blue

I have now signed up with Mail Chimp. As far as I could tell, the only way to get a GDRP compliant form onto the blog was via a popup. I am NOT a fan of popups. I hope I have alleviated some of the annoyance of it by setting (I think!) it to pop up after 20 seconds and not immediately. And, I’m told by Mail Chimp that once the pop up is seen, it won’t be seen again for at least a year if the visitor accepts/keeps the cookie which will be loaded after it pops up.  If Mail Chimp offers a GDRP compliant option that is not a pop up in the future, I’ll switch to that. Continue reading

Merry Christmas!

I’ll be taking a few days off over Christmas and the new year but will be around on Twitter. Who knows? I may even get around to posting some 2017 Favourite Reads lists in January. That’s the plan anyway.

To everyone who has visited the blog, or chatted to me online, to my friends, to those I admire and those I wish were my friends (!), to all my fellow romance bloggers, to the awesome women of #metoo and to all those who #resist, I wish you the compliments of the season, peace, love and safety. To those who supported me after the passing of my stepdad this year, a special thank you.

For those who do Christmas, have a Merry Merry Christmas. To those who don’t, Happy Holidays. May you find laughter, love and joy in the coming days – and refreshment to keep being awesome next year. Thank you for your friendship, support and inspiration this year.

~ Kaetrin ~


On holiday!

Our family is heading off on the Big UK Adventure, so no new blog posts until we get back in early August. I’ll be posting pics and chatting here and there on Twitter so I’ll still be around the place but I won’t have any time for reviewing and hardly any for reading.

Here is just one of the places we are going:

A long view of Tintagel Castle and surrounding countryside

Photo of Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, courtesy of Guiseppe Milo

Don’t miss me too much!





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