As most of you would probably already know, Ellora’s Cave is suing the Dear Author blog and Jane Litte personally over this post: The Curious Case of Ellora’s Cave. Many many people, on various social media, have reported problems with Ellora’s Cave. Authors, editors and artists are reporting they are owed money, there are reports of people leaving the company and other strange goings on. Some authors were afraid to speak out. I guess the latest dick move on Ellora’s Cave’s part shows that to be a reasonable concern.
There’s not much I can do but whatever I can do, I will. And one of the things I can do, is publicise this monstrosity in my little corner of the romancelandia blogosphere. Jaid Black and Ellora’s Cave want to silence their critics. They want to shut down public discourse about their company. They want to scare people into silence. Sometimes, it pays to be careful what you ask for. Because sometimes, what you want is the opposite of what you get. Just ask Barbra Streisand.
I’m one of many bloggers, authors and readers who have come out in support of Jane, Dear Author and the blog post in question.
I won’t be buying, reading or reviewing any Ellora’s Cave books in future. I won’t give them 1 cent of my money. That said, Ellora’s Cave authors deserve our support and I’d urge people to consider buying books published with other publishers or direct from the author where possible. Continue reading