I’m over at Dear Author with a review of Funny Guy by Emma Barry. I liked Chick Magnet better.
Tag: comedy (Page 1 of 2)
I’m over at AudioGals with a review of The Subway Girl by Lisa Becker, narrated by Erin Mallon. Can a guy find a missed connection and true love?
I’m over at Dear Author where Jayne and I are reviewing A Duke in Shining Armor by Loretta Chase – a fun, farcical road trip romance.
I’m over at AudioGals with a review of A Tale of Two Dragons by GA Aiken, narrated by Hollie Jackson. Fun story but wrong narrator.
I’m over at AudioGals with a review of Game On by Gabra Zackman. This audiobook is narrated by a full cast, including the author, Lauren Fortgang, Therese Plummer, Piper Goodeve and LJ Ganser (and many more).
Monthly Mini Review
All Seated On the Ground by Connie Willis – B I saw this short story mentioned in a thread where posters were saying it was the best of Connie Willis’ short stories so I looked it up. I couldn’t buy the story on its own because geo restrictions, but I found it was available in a library book as part of The Best of Connie Willis and placed a hold so I could read the story.
Meg Yates is a humour columnist who unexpectedly finds herself on a committee trying to communicate with the six Altairi aliens who arrived on the doorsteps of Denver University nine months before. Many experts before her and on the current committee have failed to find a way to break through the Atairi glare of disdain before her but her particular history and a chance encounter with some Christmas music and choir director lead to a breakthrough. Continue reading