I’m over at Dear Author with a review of Merrily Ever After by Jenny Holiday. Compelling and sexy marriage-in-trouble novella.
Tag: novella (Page 8 of 28)
I’m over at Dear Author with a review of Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews. Fabulous bridging novella to the next full length book in the Hidden Legacy series. Catalina is pretty awesome.
Monthly Mini Review
Strong by Kylie Scott – B- It’s been a very long time since I’ve read any of the Stage Dive books so I admit it took me a while to remember Martha and her history with the band but after a chapter or so it all came flooding back. Martha is Ben’s (the bass player’s) sister and former publicity assistant to the band as well as former girlfriend of David Ferris (hero from Lick). Martha was not a great person in Lick; she tried to split Ev and David up! (Boo! Hiss!) However, it is nice to get see a different side of a character and for a “bitch” to get a HEA. Martha is still prickly; she hasn’t had a personality transplant, but she has matured in the years since she left Stage Dive’s employ and enough time has passed that she’s put away the hurt she felt over her failed relationship with David.
Sam, the bodyguard and head of Stage Dive’s security has had a thing for Martha for a decade. He’s a very patient man. But the time is now right. Martha has returned to the fold. She’s staying in Portland and looking after Ben and Lizzy’s toddler son, Gibson, while Lizzy attends college. The nanny gig is temporary but she needs to be away from New York and around family for a while. She was mugged and assaulted (not sexually) in New York and doesn’t feel safe there anymore. Continue reading
I’m over at Dear Author with a review of A Firefighter’s Christmas Gift by Vivian Arend. The kind of sweet Christmas confection which brings comfort and a smile.
Monthly Mini Review
Marty and the Pilot by Harper Fox, narrated by Chris Clog – B- This book is part of the #AudibleRomance package. It’s my third Harper Fox book narrated by Chris Clog in a very short space of time (about 2 weeks and the last two were back to back). I’m definitely a fan of this narrator. This book wasn’t quite the success of Priddy’s Tale and Driftwood – but it was nevertheless still worth my time. Marty and the Pilot isn’t quite a melancholy as the other two books I’ve listened to and as such it didn’t quite have the mood I enjoyed so much in the earlier two books. I also didn’t quite trust Devlin (Marty’s pilot) and the story was a bit too fast to entirely convince me he was in a place to really commit to a relationship. This is somewhat strange because Flynn (from Driftwood) was arguably more messed up but I believed him. Maybe it’s because Tom and Flynn were both messed up. Marty here is pretty much together. He likes himself and the life he’s built. He knows what’s important. In some ways, he’s a “Marty Stu” (and is perhaps very aptly named) but he doesn’t have the same journey that Devlin has. Continue reading
I’m over at Dear Author with a review of Damaged Goods by Talia Hibbert. Sweet and sexy second chance romance.