Musings on Romance

Tag: queer (Page 4 of 35)

February Round Up

Monthly Mini Review

red ribbon with the end in a loveheart shape and a black and white photo of the head and upper torso of a handsome white man with fair hair and a neatly trimmed beardWrapped Up In You by Ella Frank & Brooke Blaine, narrated by Wesley Paul – B I picked up this little novella (it only goes for 1 hour 17 minutes) in the Audible Plus catalogue when I searched to see what else Wesley Paul had narrated. He’s narrating a Kristen Ashley book I had my eye on and I wanted to try a sample before one-clicking. It’s a Valentine’s Day short featuring a gay couple who have been together for about 3 years. One half of the couple is Vaughan, an ER doctor and has also spent time overseas with Doctors Without Borders so he’s often away or working during holidays. But this time, to Carter’s delight, Vaughan has something special planned.

The story takes the listener over the course of the day and includes a few flashbacks to how they met, their first date, etc and leads up to a big romance (which I’m sure folks can probably guess but I won’t give it away here even so). It’s soft and fluffy, has no conflict at all and in that way is a perfect little bite if one is in the mood for those things (I was). Continue reading

November Round Up

Monthly Mini Review

black and white image of a man walking away from the viewer into the fog - he's walking alongside a barbed wire fenceThe Tyack & Frayne series by Harper Fox  Well… less of a review and more of a series recommendation really.  As you might know, I attempted to cut off the top of one of my fingers a few weeks ago and the recovery period has left me struggling with typing. As a result I took a break from review books while I recovered (well, mostly recovered) and read/listened to things already on my TBR/TBL. As much as it is a privilege and pleasure to read review books and have early access to them, it is also a delight to read or listen just for fun. 

One of the fantastic things I did over the past few weeks was listen to all of the Tyack & Frayne mysteries by Harper Fox. The entire series is not available on audio yet (alas), but the first 7 book are and – joy of joys, they’re all available in the Audible Plus catalogue. (Also at the time of writing this, book 1 is available to buy for only $3.99.) The series is built around Cornish local police officer, Gideon Frayne and Lee Tyack, a clairvoyant who is called in by the Truro police to consult on the disappearance of a young girl from Gideon’s village. There are mysterious and spooky goings on and along the way, Gideon and Lee fall deeply in love. Each of the available audiobooks is self-contained – no cliffhangers – but they do need to be consumed in order as they build one upon the other.

I love the connection Gideon and Lee have and I also enjoy the Cornish setting and the use of local myth and legend which adds to the atmosphere. Continue reading

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