Musings on Romance

Tag: Rachael Johns

January Round Up

on Paper/eBook

Stand In Star by Rachael Johns – C  (arc via NetGalley) This book suffered for being my first read after 2 A reads in a row.  It’s a hard act to follow – I don’t give out A’s very often.  I also had something of an ick factor over Nate having been Daisy’s lover before he and Holly got together – and his discussion with Holly about their (his and Daisy’s) relationship was immediately before their (his and Holly’s) first kiss.   I also questioned whether Holly would really bare her  (and her family’s) soul about Daisy on international television. Many of Holly’s decisions seemed a lot more than merely naive and I didn’t buy the set up that she would stay with Nate, a complete (and surly) stranger, in the first place.
Still, I had a bad book hangover (from the joy of the previous 2 books) and I think I wasn’t in the best mood for this one. I can’t say that I saw in Nate what Holly did – apart from that he was gorgeous, he ran hot and cold and was grumpy and rude more often than not.   I’m afraid this one didn’t work that well for me.  But I’ve left the grade at a C because I feel like I brought unreasonably high expectations to the read and I’m sure that affected me.
Risque Business by HelenKay Dimon – C-  An erotic short which tried to be too much in too little time IMO.  Possibly my book hangover continued.  The sex was hot but the conflict was manufactured and the resolution too swift considering what an asshole the hero had been.  I like this author’s contemporary stories much better.

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