There are some books which leave an impression.  Some beloved favourites which are comforts to be read over and over again.  I posted a while back about my favourite sex scene and I thought I’d share today one of the most memorable and moving and romantic scenes I’ve read in romance fiction. For me, it is the ultimate in grand gestures.  It’s from a historical book – I don’t know the correct term for it but it’s the novel equivalent of a docu-drama.  Based on fact, using real people, but where the historical record is blank or obscure, fiction (via the author) steps in to complete the story.  I borrowed the book from the library many years ago.  I’ve only read it once and yet, it left a huge impression on me and, there is one scene in particular which, when I read it, caused me, literally, to catch my breath.

The book is Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman.

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